Thursday, July 19, 2012

Blog because you have nothing to blog about.

So I guess it's been a while since I've said anything on here. I suppose I should rectify this. It's just that since I've gone on summer vacation, I've been so uninspired. It's like my brain needs the pressure and despair and fatigue and stress of school in order to function at optimum capacity. Huh. It's not that I have a lack of things to talk about, I guess, it's just that I don't... feel like talking about them...
This is you while reading that intro. I suppose it could have been written a bit more intriguingly.
I've gotten a job at Chipotle. The employees there are amazing, though the customers have arrived unanimously at the decision to be as obnoxious as possible in every conceivable fashion. Meh.

There was a huge storm a week or two back that knocked down a tree across my driveway that the neighbors and I brought to justice with hand saws. There's another one still just chillin on the ground in my backyard. I could talk about ho utterly incapable one of my neighbors is with a chainsaw and his life in general, but meh.

I just started obsessively watching Adventure Time, which is a problem because I'm also obsessively watching Angel (a spin-off of Buffy the vampire slayer). Just because they're at two opposite ends of the spectrum of television genres doesn't mean they are equally as lovable by someone as challenged as myself. But that pretty much sums up the entire topic, so meh to you sir. 

 I just read a book that contains but is not limited to a hostile, room-sized cube of flesh, government conspiracies, french-kiss-induced amnesia, liberal usage of the word 'graft', and a sexy vampire that looks like Grell Sucliff. (I think its called The Rook, if that flesh cube is just too tempting to turn down. And spoiler alert, it's sentient and sprouts muscle-tentacles. Oh baby.) But if you were interested in that, you'd read it yourself. So meh to that too.

So please bear with me until my brain is restored to its usual, harried and top-performing self. I go back August 22, please be patient until I return to my... regularly scheduled programming?