So I'm currently sitting next to this guy, probably a junior, in the hall before class. Currently. This is real time, forgive any spelling mistakes [lol, I couldn't just leave them there after the conversation was over, now could I.]. So we're sitting, right, and he's immediately talking about his escapades with this 40 year old Korean lady who has apparently taken a shining to my dear compatriot here. He told me an endearing story about how they're making out now, how they've moved past the 'friends who talk all the time' stage they've been in since the beginning of the year.
And then he's all bent out of shape because he forgot his charger in his car and-oh wait, it's in his backpack! He was worried because a girl just texted him. Oh, not the Korean lady, and not the chick his friend's mom is trying to set him up with, a different one (Oh, he's a sophomore). Like, what are you attempting to gain by telling me this? Or are you just bragging about your exploits? Because I think you might want to reconsider your audience. I'm just making fun of you, not impressed at all.
So now he's telling me all about his tactics he's learning in his ROTC training for the army or something. Ohp, we're back to his texts. Oh, just kidding, he's on Reddit now, and literally giggling. "Lol, someone glued googly eyes to this dildo :D"
Cool story, brah... I think it might have been funny if... it wasn't you telling me. (That's kinda more judgmental than I want to appear, but YOLO! HAHAHA I hate myself.) Oh, you have more to say? "Oh, yeah, I pretty much solely date Asian girls. I feel like I know I'm handsome, and so... Well, I mean, I don't really even think of myself as handsome, really, but if you know what you like and how to get it, then go for it and more power to you."
Just lay it out, I've got a goddamn ruler. Oh, he just showed me how to make a paper longer, in Microsoft Word. You replace all your punctuation with size 14 font rather than 12 or 11. It literally increased a paper I'd had pulled up from 4 1/2 to like 5 1/4. Too bad college assigns length using word count rather than page numbers. Dumbass.
The sad part is? I knew he would talk to me when I saw him coming down the hall, and I thought to myself Okay self, prepare for some high-endurance social interaction, you've got like half an hour before the doors to the classroom even open. Focus. You don't want to look like a dumbass in front of this admittedly attractive male, despite his dubious conversation history. Apparently, he had no such qualms.
P.S. So this guy really isn't that bad, seriously, though I won't deny that he's got a... healthy ego. I just like to exaggerate. Adds a sense of adventure. Or something.
I don't even know what to say. I just typed out like fourteen different messages and I deleted them all because they were really only half thoughts and ...yeah, I got nothing.
ReplyDeleteOH OH HERE "holy testicle tuesday."
I don't even... see? I can't even respond to that.