Monday, April 16, 2012

The post I should delete but I can't because it's the first one

So, I was walking on campus the other day to a class I kind of dread, and I was taking my sweet old time getting there when I happened upon a bed of tulips. All of them were this deep purpley color, with white edges. I remember this because I stood there and examined them, so as to avoid extended contact with this class I was slowly making my way to. I'm sure the people walking by thought I had some sort of problem, staring at the flowers so intently that had been there the day before and the day before that, too. That's beside the point, which I assure you this story may or may not have one of. So I was staring at these flowers, and I saw that one single tulip was yellow. The bright, cheery kind, standing alone in this sea of dark purple. I waxed philosophical in my mind for a few moments about individualism and the struggles of those who are different. What a struggle it is, to walk to the beat of your own drum in this constrictive society! How brave, that little flower, for standing up for itself and showing its true colors! (dramatization). And then looked at the time and saw that I had a minute and something like 38 seconds to get to class. But that flower made such an impression on me that the next day, I brought my camera.

Not as exciting as you were imagining, right? That may be in part due to the fact that I can't take a decent picture to save my life. But it struck me, in that moment, as really monumental thoughts that needed to be shared with the world, lest they live their whole lives without discovering them! The rest of this blog will probably be like that; me talking about something that happened or something I saw or heard or read that seemed like too huge of a thing to overlook, but that seems absolutely inconsequential when anyone else reads it, or even when I go back to it later. Even now I'm debating deleting this entire blog right this second and actually dedicating myself to the English paper due tomorrow on Orwell's 1984. But I already put so much time into this thing, choosing the background and all...

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